Monday Morning Moment – What If Every Word We Say Never Ends or Fades Away – Malcolm Guite

Photo Credit: Schools Week

What if?! English poet and Anglican priest Malcolm Guite wrote a grand poem with this question posed (poem posted below). “What if every word we say never ends or fades away?” We have all heard and probably rejected the singsong “Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words shall never hurt us.” Forgiving the words (or asking forgiveness for hurtful words spoken) may right some of the wrong, but the forgetting is the challenge.

I started thinking about this topic when scrolling through Instagram and seeing the post below by @MomsofBigs.

Photo Credit: Instagram, Moms of Bigs/Teens and 20s

What would a hashtag be for things I regularly said (and still say) to my children?

  • #IllLoveYouForever
  • #GodLovesYouMore
  • #AudienceofOne
  • #BeCareful
  • #KeepShortAccounts
  • #TextMeWhenYouGetHome

So regular affirming things are cool to remember, but we also have to contend with those things we have said in anger or disappointment. Worth mulling over in hopes that we can remove some of that injury.

Words form the thread on which we string our experiences – Aldous Huxley

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Fortunately the things we speak to those we love, those we work with, or strangers we meet (or even in processing our experience of these with someone else) – these things we speak aren’t inscribed on our skin. What if the experience of those words though never fade away?

Photo Credit: The Power of Words, Stephen Gallup

Power of Words – Jan Terkelsen

We have an endless supply of words and how we choose to use them. I say we choose wisely the words we use – in our thoughts as well as in our speech – choosing life-affirming words vs. person-diminishing words. Using words we would have no problem having tattooed on our skin forever.

Closing with this gorgeous poem of Guite’s. Read it aloud. Add a beat. Definitely a spoken word piece.

What If– A poem by Malcolm Guite

What if every word we say
Never ends or fades away,
Gathers volume gathers weigh,
Drums and dins us with dismay
Surges on some dreadful day
When we cannot get away
Whelms us till we drown?

What if not a word is lost,
What if every word we cast
Cruel, cunning, cold, accurst,
Every word we cut and paste
Echoes to us from the past
Fares and finds us first and last
Haunts and hunts us down?

What if every murmuration,
Every otiose oration
Every oath and imprecation,
Insidious insinuation,
Every blogger’s aberration,
Every facebook fabrication
Every twittered titivation,
Unexamined asservation
Idiotic iteration,
Every facile explanation,
Drags us to the ground?

What if each polite evasion
Every word of defamation,
Insults made by implication,
Querulous prevarication,
Compromise in convocation,
Propaganda for the nation
False or flattering peruasion,
Blackmail and manipulation
Simulated desparation
Grows to such reverberation
That it shakes our own foundation,
Shakes and brings us down?

Better that some words be lost,
Better that they should not last,
Tongues of fire and violence.
O Word through whom the world is blessed,
Word in whom all words are graced,
Do not bring us to the test,
Give our clamant voices rest,
And the rest is silence. – What If– by Malcolm Guite

We can use our words wisely. Right? What if…we did?

[I have often written about words. Here. They matter and don’t really go away.]

The Eternal Significance of a Single Little Word – Tim Challies

A Family Lexicon – Words that Grow Up with Us – Deb Mills

YouTube Video – 10 Things All Moms Say

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