Is Our Yes Still on the Table? Re-Visiting What It Means for Us to Follow God

Blog - Yes on the Table“Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

Over two decades ago, my husband and I put our “Yes” on the table. We have been praying and thinking a lot about this lately – is our “yes” still on the table?

As a teenager, I thrilled to the words of Isaiah’s response to God’s inquiry. “Here am I. Send me!” Sitting around a campfire with other teens, challenged about our life direction, and singing “I Surrender All“…I first put my all-in “yes” on the table. At 15, tears of joyful release washing down my cheeks, it seemed the only response possible to a God who loved me so much. Today, “all” seems different, more complicated. Or is it my heart that’s changed?

We’re revisiting our “yes”. All I can think of is Jesus’ response to His Father’s will. Hours before He would give His life for us on a cross, He wrestled with the meaning of that “yes”. Jesus, this One who was from before the beginning, part of the Triune God, sinless, and perfect, poured out His human heart to His Father:

He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and began to pray, saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.”Luke 22:41-42

In that moment, He revealed two huge truths to us who follow Him. 1) No matter what God’s will is, (fill in your own blanks here), He is worthy of following. How glorious to spend our lives in His redemptive will – so much larger and full of love and purpose than we might, on our own, choose for ourselves.

2) Because of how big God is and how small we feel in our human frames, there will be times  we bend toward a different road, a cleaner path, with plenty of shade (Jonah 4:5-6). Jesus is kind to show us that struggle…yet without sinning in it.

This “yes” on the table has also been described as giving God a blank check. Essentially telling Him we acknowledge His Lordship in our lives. There are some reading this who may chafe at that. He has given us minds to make thoughtful, impactful decisions. For me, the idea of signing my name to a “blank check” and giving the checkbook back to Him is a test of my heart, and the affections and motivations of that heart.Blog - Blank Check

I love how Simon Peter responded to Jesus during a point in their journey when others left them, having second thoughts:

So Jesus said to the twelve, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. “We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.”John 6:67-69

“Lord, to whom shall we go?” – There is no other life I want apart from knowing and following the God who pursued me through Jesus . No. Other. Life.

Still, we revisit our “yes”, our “blank check” when God confronts us with a possible course change – a turn in the road that could take us away (again) from family and friends we cherish, colleagues we choose, and work we have loved. Blog - Yes on the Table (2)

We have been in this place before…and we receive it again. I may be at this desk in this place, clicking keys a year from now…or more. Or we may be in a very different place. Wherever we are, there is grace for us (and for you), and glory for God…and all will be well.

Today, again, with trembling hands and resolute hearts, we lay the “yes” on the table. Whatever, wherever, God, we are trusting You, as we’ve trusted You before (even just minutes before this) to do what only You can do with our lives when they are wholly Yours. With wet-palmed excitement, deep joy…and peace…our “yes” is Yours.

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6

[P.S. There will still be times that peace is shaken…it could be today…but I know from God’s Word, an old hymn, and experience that perfect peace can be ours as we keep our hearts fixed on Him. Fixed.]

A Blank Check – Randall D. Kittle

A Blank Check – A Devotion by Chris Hendrix

8 Reasons for Leaders to Give God a Blank Check – Chuck Lawless

Remembering 9/11 – and the Day Before – A Story of God and a Girl – a girl whose “Yes” was always on the table, a life gloriously lived.

13 thoughts on “Is Our Yes Still on the Table? Re-Visiting What It Means for Us to Follow God”

  1. That is the question for us all. I see people weighing decisions based on a financial package and that is not what determined our decision to follow Him. Why would it be a determining factor now? Of course there are nuances for every family that God will direct. And we all know He is still in that business!

  2. Thank you for taking time to make this about what its about. Its not about a financial package. If someone were to have offered twice my salary a year ago, to come work stateside, instead of being on the field, I would have said no, because that’s not what God has for me right now. Today we must be open to how God is working in each of our lives independently. His path does not mean that we will not suffer. But it is the best path. We have been Called by God. That will never change, how that call plays out is up to His discretion, so we must periodically, if not daily come before Him and say, I give it all to you, I will go where ever you call me to go and do whatever you call me to do. If I am to work bagging groceries to make a living, I will do it to honor you. If I continue on the frontlines, I will do it to honor you. Where ever you lead I will go. Sometimes that means “going back.” Its a hard concept, because we have always felt “sent forth.” But for God, if He calls us back, He is still sending us forth into a world that needs Him. God may be looking for more experienced workers in the USA to win it back to His side. The USA is quickly becoming a nation in need of God! …saying all that…Where ever He leads I will go!

    1. Appreciate you writing. It’s true…and bagging groceries is a also a front line. Still, I believe God wants to apply how He’s gifted us to blessing the nations wherever we live, and wherever He takes us if we keep our Yes on the table. Trying to be faithful in that. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Leaving any employer is not saying no to our calling to a work. God is bigger than an organization and He is ultimately all you need. When He calls you HE equips you. HE is the Promise Keeper.

  4. i think, so often for so many of us, we think our ‘yes’ is on the table but it is really a conditional yes, a ‘yes, except…’, ‘yes, as long as…’ we like to keep our fingers on the edge of the yes so we can snatch it back if we don’t like how things are going. proud of how you and dad strive to live an unconditional yes before God! (not so secretly hoping, however, that the yes means you are still at that living room desk you refer to for years to come. 🙂

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