Tag Archives: Daniel Ploof

Worship Wednesday – Make Room – Jonathan McReynolds

Photo Credit: Heartlight

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”James 4:8a

“Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.”Ephesians 3:17

In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am.” – Jesus John 14:2-3

During COVID we starting putting out our Christmas trees and and nativities in November. [We have always started Christmas music in October.] Apologies to those who think we should wait until after Thanksgiving.

2020 was a rough year in so many ways. Longing for Christmas to come early came out of that, and nothing has altered that since then.

This world needs Jesus so badly. We as Christ-followers need Him…and we must keep space for Him in our lives.

My Mom was born just before the Great Depression happened, the shock of which shook the world. Her family was devastated by the economic downturn, but Christmas still continued a season of hope for her. The nativity below was Mom’s so it has been an annual reminder of there being “no room in the inn” for Jesus’ birth.

To consider his birth and what it means to us is too grand to just be celebrated in some tight commercial schedule toward the end of December. It is glorious how God came so near us to show Himself to us, up-close and personally.

So strange that room had to be made for him! We are made even more aware of our need to keep room – make room – for him in our lives.

Not just as a baby Messiah but every moment of every day in all kinds of ways.

Even in the chaos of life in this world of ours, He brings beauty and peace and healing.

He makes a way forward, and I want to make room for that…for Him.

Worship with me to Jonathan McReynolds‘ beautifully convicting song Make Room:

I find space for what I treasure
And I make time for what I want
I choose my priorities and
Jesus, You’re my number one

So I will make room for You
I will prepare for two
So You don’t feel that You
Can’t live here, please live in me

I find space for what I treasure
And I make time for what I want
I choose my priorities and
Jesus, You’re my number one
Yes Jesus, You’re my number one

So I will make room for You
I will prepare for two
So You, You don’t feel that You
Can’t live here, please live in me

I will make room for You
I will (I will) prepare for two
So You (So You) don’t feel that You
Can’t live here, please live in me
Live in me, yeah
Please live in me, God
I will make room for You

My will (You can move that over)
My way (You can move that over, too)
My ego (You can move that over)
My plans (You can move that over, too)
My schedule (You can move that over)
My itinerary (You can move that over)
For see I, I will make room for You

My habits (You can move that over)
My attitude (You can move that over, too)
Whatever it is (You can move that over)
That’s not like You (You can move that over, too)
Whatever it is (You can move that over)
You can move it over (You can move that over, too)
See I will make room, yeah

Whatever it is (You can move that over)
That’s in Your way (You can move that over, too)
Whatever it is (You can move that over)
If it takes Your space (You can move that over, too)
See whatever it is (You can move that over)
Oh, I don’t want it there (You can move that over, too)
See, I will make room, yeah

I wanna seek You first (You can move that over)
Keep the old things out the way (You can move that over, too)
I wanna seek You first (You can move that over)
Move it all out the way (You can move that over, too)
See, whatever it is (You can move that over)
Lord, I just want You (You can move that over, too)
So I will make room, yeah

See, whatever it is (You can move that over)
Move it over (You can move that over, too)
Please just move it over (You can move that over)
Help me move it over (You can move that over, too)
Jesus, I (You can move that over)
I just want You to know (You can move that over, too)
That I will make room

I find space for what I treasure
And I make time for what I want
I choose my priorities and
Jesus, You’re my number one*

*Lyrics to Make Room – Songwriter: Jonathan McReynolds

Mark Room (Jonathan McReynolds) – Daniel Ploof – Great study on making room for Jesus

YouTube Video – Come to My Heart, Lord, Jesus, There Is Room in My Heart for Thee

Make Room for Jesus – Monica Kincaid

5 Ways to Make Room in Your Heart for Jesus – Betsy DeCruz