Tag Archives: Biblical Metanarrative

5 Friday Faves – Fall Colors, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, 9 Questions Before You Quit, Sherlock, and the Story of God for Postmoderns

Blog - Friday Faves

As I write I can hear Christmas music blasting as Dave rides his bike (on a trainer, in his office). We start listening to Christmas albums in October because we have so many favorites that it takes 3 months to savor them all. The days always seem to fly between now and the end of the year. Slow down! It’s Friday again, and here are my faves.

  1. Fall Colors – My favorite season is Fall, and it is so stunning here in the US. We are just starting to see leaves changing color in Virginia, so I might have to showcase them another time. Here are a few images, and I would love to see some of yours.

2015 Phone Pics Sadie, Fall, Blog, Virginia Beach 1762010 October Fall Fun 018Fall on Frances Moon's roadPhoto Credit: Bottom picture from North Georgia, Frances Moon

2. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts   – Doughnut preferences are very personal. Since moving to Richmond, Westhampton Pastry Shoppe doughnuts (mentioned in another Friday Fave) are faves. However, that said, I have known and loved Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for almost 50 years. They are so scrumptious. To watch the cooking operation is fun as they bob through their deep fat-frying bath and then dip under the shower of sugar glaze. Krispy Kreme also has a knack for decorating for holidays through the year. Actually, I don’t eat doughnuts currently, because I can’t stop at a reasonable number…especially when they are hot glazed doughnuts from KK. Still, if I were eating them…it would be here.2015 Phone Pics Sadie, Fall, Blog, Virginia Beach 1792015 Phone Pics Sadie, Fall, Blog, Virginia Beach 1802015 Phone Pics Sadie, Fall, Blog, Virginia Beach 1812015 Phone Pics Sadie, Fall, Blog, Virginia Beach 178

3. 9 Questions Before You Quit – I have dear friends going through a downsizing in their organization. They are praying about their next steps regarding retirement or other work in their future. Dr. Chuck Lawless writes so empathetically about this type of situation in his article 9 Questions to Ask Before leaving a Ministry. His 9 Questions could really apply to any job, not just to one with a Christian organization. They are so insightful and thought-provoking. One question is: Do I feel both a “push” and a “pull”?  “Responding to a push from one ministry without a pull toward another may lead to making a premature move.” Another is If I leave, what would be my honest reason for leaving? Deciding to leave, whether it’s taking retirement or seeking other work, is probably more complicated than we can articulate. Dr. Lawless encourages, “At least be honest with yourself when you’re making a life decision.”Blog - Friday faves - Questions by Chuck LawlessPhoto Credit: MinistryBestPractices.com

4. Sherlock – BBC’s Sherlock is returning “soon-ish” for its fourth season! Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock and Martin Freeman as Dr. Watson are so amazing together. I’ve watched Seasons 1, 2, 3, (available through Amazon.com and other sellers) and am very excited for Season 4. The trailer teaser is out (see it below), but the “soon-ish” arrival of Sherlock won’t happen probably until early in 2016. It’s also a short season – one special and 3 episodes – and I don’t want to miss it. Along with Sherlock, I’m counting down to the 6th and final season of Downton Abbey – also coming to the US in January (No spoilers please!).Blog - Friday Faves - Sherlock Returns - pbs.orgPhoto Credit: pbs.org

The trailer for Season 4 of Sherlock has been out since summer, but I just saw it this week. Sherlock returns…in January? February? What a tease!

5) The Story of God for Postmoderns – How would you answer the question, “What is the Bible all about?” If you were to prepare an answer of this question for a Post-modern, you might be disappointed. A true Post-modern is probably not going to ask you that question. However, what if our friends could get hold of the idea that the Bible is not just a grand story that Christians have concocted? The Bible, in truth, is a winsomely unified story God actually tells about Himself from the first page to the last. Dr. David Teague, in the article, The Biblical Metanarrative, lays out the clearest explanation I’ve ever read of the Story of God – of how the Bible is God’s own revelation of Himself to His people. Don’t miss this gem.Blog - Friday faves - Peanuts & Postmoderns

Photo Credit: Peanuts, ParkingSpace23.com

What were your discoveries this week? What were your favorites? I’d love to hear about them.

Worship Wednesday – The Story of God in the Acts of the Apostles – God with Us – MercyMe

Blog - Acts of the Apostles - film - YouTubePhoto Credit: YouTube.com

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. – Acts 4:13

I wasn’t born into the Christian faith. As much as it was possible to be alien from God, this was my experience as a child. When a neighbor invited us to her church, we went, essentially immigrants from a foreign land. The kindness of these strangers and the teaching from God’s Word were food and drink to this tired and hungry child’s heart. Even in the few years of my life, I knew the futility of trying to be good and the failure of relying on people for love (except for my Mom). I was a fairly messed-up 8y/o…and then I met Jesus.

That’s why the account of the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible is so riveting. These were not people who just believed in some religious leader or holy book. These were people who intimately knew Jesus. They had spent long days with him…they knew his habits; they saw him at his most tired; they witnessed how his living reflected the truth of his teaching. They were astonished at the miracles he performed and changed themselves by the love he lavished on both the poor and the proud. No wonder they were so bold in their witness, even to the point of death. “They had been with Jesus”.

A Greek physician named Luke penned the letter that we call Acts of the Apostles. In the first line of the letter he mentions another book he wrote, that being the Gospel of Luke. In the Gospel, he delivers a detailed story of the life and teaching of Jesus.

Between these two books, Acts and the Gospel of Luke, you can have a good start at understanding – who Jesus was/is and how the church began. Through the eye-witness accounts of Jesus’ followers.

All of Scripture is a revelation of God. He speaks of Who He is through all the stories – from the books of Genesis to Revelation.

David Teague wrote a profound piece on The Biblical Metanarrative. Written especially for post-moderns, Teague takes the reader, step-by-step through the unity of the story across the Bible – the story of God. I read his article a couple of times, first as a witness to the truth of what he’s saying and again as one who might be skeptical or ignorant of Scripture. I really encourage you to read this article, whatever your current thinking is on God. It’s an easy read, and you will find it profitable.

We are reading through the Book of Acts this month at Movement Church. I love reading out loud the case for Christ made by three followers of Christ in particular – Stephen, Peter, and Paul. Their boldness comes out of relationship not scholarship. They give a shoulders-squared, hearts-resolved first-hand account of Jesus – as Emmanuel, God with us.

He is with us still…

Worship with me.

Who are we, That You would be mindful of us
What do You see, That’s worth looking our way
We are free, In ways that we never should be
Sweet release, From the grip of these chains
Like hinges straining from the weight
My heart no longer can keep from singing

All that is within me cries, For You alone be glorified
Emmanuel, God with us
My heart sings a brand new song
The debt is paid these chains are gone
Emmanuel, God with us

Lord You know, Our hearts don’t deserve Your glory
Still You show, A love we cannot afford
Like hinges straining from the weight
My heart no longer can keep from singing

Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary
Nevertheless we lay it at Your feet.*

The Biblical Metanarrative – The Story of God in a Postmodern World

YouTube Video – The Acts of the Apostles (Visual Bible) – Script of film is all Scripture (NIV).

*Behind the Song God With Us – with Kevin Davis

Story Behind the Song God With Us (GodTube Video)

The Speeches in Acts